Harold Dull - California - www.watsu.com   Creator of Tantsu & Watsu:  Teacher & Practitioner

Ateeka - International - www.tantsutraining.com  Tantsu Teacher, Practitioner & Tantsu Somatic Educator

Keli Procopio - Italy - www.oshocircleschool.com  Tantsu & Watsu teacher & practitioner

Carlos Del Pino - Tahiti - www.onesoulspa.com  Tantsu & Watsu teacher & practitioner

Emmanuel Pastor - Biarritz, France - www.watage.eu  Tantsu Practitioner

Maryline Jaas - Paris, France - www.tantsuevita.xoom.it  Tantsu Practitioner

Hege Strand Karlsen - Oslo, Norway - www.utpust.no  Tantsu Practitioner and Tantsu Somatic Educator

Froydis Elvestrand - Moss, Norway - Tantsu Practitioner

Cecilie Forfang - Oslo, Norway - Tantsu Practitioner and Tantsu Somatic Educator

Dorthe Troften - Oslo, Norway - Tantsu Practitioner and Tantsu Somatic Educator

Tara Kristine Bale - Skarnes, Norway - www.sansyoga.no - Tantsu Practitioner & Tantsu Somatic Educator

Anthony Ogley - Edinburgh, Scotland - www.wholebodyholding.co.uk  - Tantsu Practitioner

Lucy Iredale - Edinburgh, Scotland - Tantsu Practitioner

Kimaya Croalla Younger - London, England - www.dakinikimaya.com - Tantsu Practitioner

Cecilie Salsten Østrem - Hamar, Norway - www.hamaryoga.no   Tantsu Practitioner and Tantsu Somatic Educator

Linda de Lehman - Tampa, Florida  -  Watsu & Tantsu Teacher and Practitioner

Basia Szpak-Borst - Holland - Watsu Teacher and Tantsu Practitioner

Gianni di Stefani - Switzerland/India - www.watsu.it - Watsu Teacher and Tantsu Practitioner